Past Events

Hilton Frankfurt Airport, THE SQUAIRE
Frankfurt am Main
Tuesday, 28th November 2023
5:30 p.m until 10:00 p.m

Ransomware Attacks – Respond, Don’t React!!
CISO Roundtable Event, Frankfurt Germany.
In our interconnected world, the question is not 'if' a cyber attack will occur but 'when.' In this era of heightened connectivity, cyber attacks, such as those targeting modems, routers, and IoT devices through ransomware and wiper attacks, have the potential to transform into formidable threats. They can undermine digital trust and resilience in ways we've never seen before, affecting organizations, industries, and even entire nations.
Join us at the Cohesity CISO Roundtable and hear from our expert speakers -
Peter Hacker
Entrepreneur and CEO, speaker,
Cybersecurity expert
James Blake
EMEA Field Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Cohesity
where you can engage in discussions with CISOs and fellow Cohesity experts. These conversations will cover various critical aspects that serve as the foundation for every CISO's intelligent response to a cyber attack."
Get in touch with us today to register your interest

Ransomware attacks – Act, don’t react!
CISO roundtable Event, Paris France

How should a business proactively manage a complex incident when there is a ransomware threat? The increasing frequency and impact of cyberattacks shows that businesses of all sizes are at risk of being affected and that a malware attack could be imminent at any time. Following a security breach, backup data may have been contaminated for some time without the company knowing. Restoring from the "last known good old" backup may close the door to further attacks, but leaves the enterprise vulnerable to persistent or future attacks despite conventional recovery efforts.
Join us at the Cohesity CISO Roundtable and hear from our expert speakers -
Peter Hacker
Entrepreneur and CEO, speaker,
Cybersecurity expert
François-Christophe Jean
SEMEA Field Technical Director, Cohesity
Where you can engage in discussions with CISOs and fellow Cohesity experts. These conversations will cover various critical aspects that serve as the foundation for every CISO's intelligent response to a cyber attack.
Get in touch with us today to register your interest
House of Latin America
THURSDAY 23rd November 2023
From 7pm